Learning Hub / Tutorials / Voxtelesys / Voice Widget: Collect InputFAQs

Tutorials: Voice Widget: Collect Input

The Collect Input widget goes under the voice category for the VAST flow builder.

Required access: Voxtelesys Portal

The Collect Input widget is one that gets used quite frequently!

You will want to place the answer call widget at the front of the flow if you plan on collecting input/directing the caller around.

The Collect Input widget goes under the voice category for the VAST flow builder. This widget plays an audio file or speaks TTS and then collects a user’s keypresses via dual tone multi-frequency (DTMF) keypresses or voice input via speech recognition. The collected keypresses or voice input is saved to a variable on the call which can be accessed immediately or later on in the flow to control which flow path the user traverses.

If speech recognition is used for input collection, the call is billed for the duration of the speech-to-text (STT) collection in 15 second increments.

*Disclaimer: You will need to have Voice API enabled on your account to do this you will need to open a ticket with support.

Last Updated: 1/21/25

add the widget

To use the widget simply click and drag it into the builder.

naming the widget

Note that naming the widget can help identify it with other tools later on. It is case sensitive, does not accept spaces or dashes

user input setting for the collect input widget

The Collect Input widget has the following configuration abilities under User Input:


This is how you want to collect the information from the caller, it includes 3 options:

  • Digits and Speech
  • Digits
  • Speech


The language to use for speech recognition

Number of Digits

The number of digits you expect to receive from the caller, leave blank for no limit

Finish on Key(s)

The special key press to end the input, defaults to #

Profanity Filter

Replaces all but the first character of each profane word with a '*' character (e.g., 'f***').



Allow with finish on key(s), the timeout is the time in seconds to wait for the caller to enter digits (or speak if no speech timeout is specified).

Speech Timeout

The number of seconds to wait for the caller to speak. This property can either be an integer time in seconds or the word "auto". Setting this property to "auto" causes speech recognition to stop after a pause in speech.

The Collect Input widget has the following configuration abilities under Action Settings:

Action Type

Say Text: allows you to use our built in voices to say text.

Play Audio: allows you to play an audio file.

action settings for say text option in collect input widget

Say Text Action

Text Language

Select the Language


Select the voice

Say Text

Enter the Text to Say

Enable Translation (optional)

Displays the options for translation. The text that will be translated is "Say Text"

Language Model (optional)

The type of translation model and vendor to use. Currently we only support Google as a vendor. Text is billed in 100 character intervals and pricing is based on the model selected.

  • [Google] Large Language Model: use Google’s LLM to translate text. The LLM supports fewer language pairs than the NMT model, but large language models tend to generate more natural sounding translations.
  • [Google] Neural Machine Translation: use Google’s NMT model. The NMT model supports many more language pairs, but may not be as natural sounding as a LLM.

Translate From (required if Language Model is selected)

The language to translate from. The input text should be typed in this language. Automatic language detection is only supported if the user chooses to use the NMT model.

Translate To (required if Language Model is selected)

The language to translate to.


The number of times to play the audio or TTS.

actions settings for play audio for the collect input widget

Play Audio Action


Provide the URL for the audio file location


The number of times to play the audio or TTS.

conditions for collect input widget


You can add conditions on the input that is received.

Action (required)

Sets whether to check collected digits or speech. The options are:

  • Caller says: checks condition against collected speech
  • Caller presses: checks condition against collected digits
  • Caller presses or or says: checks condition against collected speech and digits

Our example in the next step takes the speech and digits and uses conditions to route them differently.

*Note that if using a number use the digit. For example, "one" should be "1

connect the widget

Now, you will want to connect the Collect Input widget.

successful connection

Adding the Collect Input widget is completed!

To continue the flow, connect more widgets to the opposite end of the Collect Input widget:

Learning Hub / Tutorials / Voxtelesys / Voice Widget: Collect InputFAQs