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Verify Your Brand for 10DLC: Essential Information for TCR Verification

Verify Your Brand for 10DLC: Essential Information for TCR Verification

Verify Your Brand for 10DLC: Essential Information for TCR VerificationWith the implementation of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) TCR registration, verifying your brand through The Campaign Registry has become crucial for businesses utilizing SMS messaging. This verification process ensures that your brand complies with industry standards and regulations, benefiting you from higher message delivery rates and increased trust. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what information is needed to verify your brand for 10DLC. Learn More
10DLC Filtering and Delays Explained

10DLC Filtering and Delays Explained

10DLC Filtering and Delays Explained In today's fast-paced digital world, efficient and reliable communication is crucial for businesses. Text messaging, or SMS, has become a popular channel for reaching customers quickly and effectively. However, with the implementation of 10DLC (10-Digit Long Code) registration, there are new rules and regulations that businesses need to be aware of. One of the most significant changes is the impact on unregistered messages, which are more likely to be filtered, queued, delayed, or blocked. Learn More
3CX V20 Upgrade Department Requirements

3CX V20 Upgrade Department Requirements

3CX V20 Upgrade Department Requirements In the evolving world of business communication, staying ahead means leveraging the best tools and support available. That's where Voxtelesys comes in, offering unparalleled 3CX hosting and support services. With the release of 3CX V20, navigating the complexities of inbound call management, office hours configuration, and the transition to departments requires a reliable partner. Voxtelesys ensures your transition is seamless and maximizes your system's efficiency and compliance. Learn More

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2023: Year in Review

2023: Year in Review

Call Center
Business Solutions
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3CX Version 20

3CX Version 20

Call Center
3CX Version 20Take advantage of our offer: No setup fees will be charged for upgrading to 3CX V20 with Hosting by Voxtelesys until March 2024! - 2 Core, 2 GB All 3CX's hosted by Voxtelesys come standard with a minimum of 2vCore and 4GB's of memory, so no worries here. - Sufficient Disk Space needed. Ensure a minimum of 5 GB of free disk space - The source list must remain unaltered for a successful upgrade; any modifications will result in failure Remove any additional source lists. If you are utilizing Microsoft Azure, verify by checking "cat /etc/apt/sources.list.d/microsoft-prod.list." Learn More
Host Your 3CX with Voxtelesys

Host Your 3CX with Voxtelesys

Business Solutions
Call Center
Host Your 3CX with VoxtelesysEffective communication is the cornerstone of success in today's fast-paced business environment. As organizations strive to enhance their telecommunication infrastructure, 3CX emerges as a leading CCaaS solution, offering flexibility, scalability, and powerful features. Partnering with Voxtelesys, a renowned name in telecommunications, provides premium hosting and support for your 3CX setup, ensuring seamless, secure, and superior business communication. Why Choose 3CX? 3CX is an open-platform, software-based PBX system that delivers voice calls, video conferencing, live chat, and SMS. It's designed for businesses of all sizes, helping to reduce communication costs, improve customer experience, and boost productivity. The Voxtelesys Advantage offers unmatched reliability, optimized performance, enhanced security, scalable solutions, and expert support, ensuring your 3CX system effectively addresses voice communications' unique demands effectively. With Voxtelesys, transitioning to or upgrading your 3CX system is seamless, providing a robust, reliable, and efficient communication system that is essential in the digital age. Hosting your 3CX with Voxtelesys gives your business a competitive edge, transforming how your organization connects, collaborates, and thrives. Learn More
Learning Hub / Blogs / Explain It! What is a Hosted Dialer? FAQs
Explain It! What is a Hosted Dialer?
Call Center
Auto dialers
Explain It

Business owners looking to build or expand their call center operations often face a peculiar technological paradox.  SIP has cut the costs of voice solutions in half. Auto dialers have made dialing and connecting agents with leads nearly effortless. Today’s PBX software has provided a level of analytics that owners could have only dreamed of a generation ago, when the only data the telecoms offered was the monthly long-distance bill. Premium dialer routes make the growing VoIP solutions even more attractive. Not only can call centers switch from an on-premise PBX to the cloud, but they can now choose a hosted dialer.

So why do businesses find it difficult to launch these efforts? Because with this technology comes options. Lots and lots of options. Each option requires a decision by the conscientious call center manager looking to minimize risk and maximize reward.

With auto dialers, many are being presented with the option of selecting a hosted dialer. But what is a hosted dialer? We’re glad you asked.

What is a Hosted Dialer?

In a previous post, Predictive Dialer: Explain it! How Does it Work?, we introduced you to the methods of outbound calling, including the broad classification of auto-dialers, such as Preview, Progressive, and Predictive dialers. As you research your options, you may find that some companies use the terms Hosted and Predictive interchangeably. However, a hosted dialer solution simply means that the software is cloud-based (which is why they’re sometimes called cloud dialers), and that your team is accessing it through the Internet rather than purchasing a physical piece of hardware that needs to be installed on-site. While hosted dialers draw many small-to-midsized businesses because of the predictive dialing capabilities, they can also use preview or progressive dialing options, depending on their needs.

Along with dialing, hosted outbound dialers typically offer a menu of value-added features, such as:

  • Campaign and list management
  • Real-time call recording
  • DNC compliance
  • Historical reporting
  • CRM integrations
  • Drag-and-drop scripts
  • Options for home-based agents

Netflix or Redbox?

For watching a movie at home, the choices have changed. In the 1980s and 1990s, Blockbuster was the undisputed king of the market, with over 8,000 stores scattered across the globe at its peak. Then its popularity plunged. Today, when a family is trying to decide what to watch, the choice often boils down to streaming something on Netflix or visiting the nearest Redbox kiosk. Understanding that difference will help you understand the key differences between a hosted dialer vs. an on-premise dialer.

Those who rent a movie using Redbox must have a DVD or Blu-Ray player to watch it. An on-premise dialer is similar because it is a hardware solution that companies purchase upfront and integrate with their phone system. Owners with a fixed budget and a desire for control over every aspect of their phone system may prefer to make the one-time purchase. They also must maintain it, and this requires a business to have the technical expertise to keep the system up and current.

Hosted dialers are more like Netflix since they can work with little more than a computer and Internet access. But, as it would have been nearly impossible to stream an HD movie during the dial-up era, hosted dialers can only thrive on a fast and reliable network. This requires a speedy and stable Internet connection.

Also, like Netflix, hosted dialers are subscription-based, so companies pay a low, monthly fee to access their services. One key benefit is the provider takes care of updates, including new features or security fixes.

The Rising Cloud

In the battle between Netflix and Redbox, Netflix is winning. While Redbox’s fortunes have declined since 2013, Netflix’s number of subscribers and annual revenue continues to grow, reaching nearly $9 billion in 2016. These trends show no signs of reversing, and the same is true for hosted dialers. Hosted dialers are growing in popularity, due to cost savings, lighter overhead, scalability, and flexibility. Business owners are growing more comfortable with someone else keeping the system running, while they focus on their business.

In a previous blog, Hosted Dialer vs. On-Premise Solutions: Key Differentiators, we addresed the pros and cons of choosing a hosted dialer vs. an on-premise dialer solution.

Looking for a powerful SIP solution for your contact center? We can help.

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