Voxtelesys Portal: Your Central Hub for 3CX Licensing
Effortless Real-Time Translation with VAST Flow Builder
What’s New in the Voxtelesys Portal for 2025
2024: A Year of Growth & Excellence for the Voxtelesys Support Team
3CX Version 20
3CX's Latest Release: Geo-Routing Headers Take the Lead in Dynamic E911 Integration
What is TCPA? Passed by Congress in 1991, the law attempts to protect consumer privacy by limiting how, when and to whom marketing calls can be made.
The largest TCPA class settlement to date was $75.5 million, paid by Capital One and three credit agencies in 2015. TCPA litigation has increased by nearly 60% since 2014. In 2016 alone, 4,860 new TCPA suits were filed. In this TCPA Infographic, we help keep you on the path of compliance.
Don't take unnecessary risks with TCPA compliance. Find out how we can help!
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