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A Dynamic Caller ID system gives call centers the power of Local Caller ID. What could possibly be added to Caller ID that could earn the name dynamic? We use Local Caller ID every day. It’s simple. Why would we want it to be “dynamic?” That, too, is simple. Most of us don’t like to be surprised, even if the reason for the surprise is celebratory. Anything that startles us—whether it’s a sudden clap of thunder or walking into a darkened room that erupts into light and the sound of 30 people yelling “Happy Birthday!”—can trigger a fight-or-flight response, unleashing a spike of adrenaline that courses through the body even after the threat has been identified and nullified.
We take countless measures to reduce surprises in our lives, from checking the weather forecast, to planning driving routes. The more information we have, the better equipped we are to deal with what the world tosses our way.
This inclination toward being in control is partly why. Before Local Caller ID, you usually answered the phone without any idea who was calling you. It’s one reason we still answer the phone asking, “Hello?” even when we know exactly who is on the other end of the line.
While the innovation may seem relatively recent within the extensive history of telecommunication, the history of Caller ID dates back almost 50 years, with inventors such as Theodore Paraskevakos of Greece, Kazuo Hashimoto of Japan, and Carolyn Doughty of the U.S. among the first to develop and patent systems that identified the number of the caller to the recipient.
When Local Caller ID was first rolled out commercially in the 1980s, the system worked by sending a tiny package of data from the telephone exchange to your phone’s Caller ID box. The package was delivered in a sound transmitted after the first ring. So, if you answered the phone too quickly, you wouldn’t see the Caller’s number. The Caller ID box was a primitive modem that decoded the parts of that sound signal and converted them into the phone number that would appear on the display.
This technological advance ushered in a new era of telephone transparency. Caller ID reduced the element of surprise that accompanied every incoming call. This also made it very difficult to avoid your mother’s phone calls.
Unlike traditional Caller ID systems, Dynamic Caller ID allows call centers to customize the information each recipient sees when they receive a call. Anyone who has seen TOLL-FREE NUMBER or UNKNOWN CALLER appear on their phone screen knows how quickly those calls are typically declined. This is why call centers seek the ability to provide Local Caller ID.
A Dynamic Caller ID system gives you the power to choose to display a number that uses a local area code instead of your business’ toll-free 800 number. This provides the same power as Local Caller ID. Call centers can upload and securely store their customer contact lists within their provider’s calling line identification server. The server cross-checks the area codes in the list and provisions new local numbers the call center’s auto dialer or PBX uses to make a local connection with customers. Because, when it comes to outbound sales, the advantage goes to the home team.
With the power of Dynamic Caller ID and Local Caller ID comes great responsibility. With the power to display any message and number using any of your outbound numbers, you have the game-changing ability to achieve local presence. However, the Federal Communications Commission keeps a close eye on this sector, and states clearly:
"No person or entity in the United States shall, with the intent to defraud, cause harm, or wrongfully obtain anything of value, knowingly cause, directly or indirectly, any caller identification service to transmit or display misleading or inaccurate caller identification information."
You and your business should be sticklers for compliance. There is no surprise more unwelcome than the FCC showing up at your door with fraud charges and penalties.
Is Dynamic Caller ID a functionality that’s missing in your call center? Contact us today to learn more about our Dynamic Caller ID service, and let us know how we can help you get more calls answered by leveraging the power of local presence.
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