Tutorials: Updating Users

Updating Users

You can now update phone numbers for your Microsoft Teams users from the Voxtelesys Portal! That means no more PowerShell! Learn how to set up a Voxtelesys Trunk in Microsoft Teams here.

Go to the Voxtelesys Portal and log in.

Click on the "Microsoft Teams" tab.

Click on the "Teams Login" button.

If you are currently logged in on your browser it will default to that user/account. If you need to change accounts log out and in to the correct account and refresh the Voxtelesys Portal.

Edit users by clicking on the pencil icon.

If the edit icon is grayed out, then that user does not have a phone or resource account license.

Please note that we are working on implementing an updated 911 routing for Teams tenets. The emergency address is currently not in operation.

Make sure the changes took place on the portal and also on your Teams account, please note that changes in Teams make take some time to update on their GUI.