Learning Hub / Tutorials / 3CX / Add Outbound Rules (V20)FAQs

Tutorials: Add Outbound Rules (V20)

Enter your credentials.

Click on the "Admin" button on the lower left side of the screen.

Select the "Outbound Rules" tab.

Click on the "+ Add" button each time you create a new rule.

Click on the "Save" button after you configure each Outbound Rule.

  • Rule Name: Outbound 10 Digit
  • Calls to numbers with a length of: 10
  • Route 0: Voxtelesys
    • Prepend: +1
  • Rule Name: Outbound 11 Digit
  • Calls to numbers with a length of: 11
  • Route 0: Voxtelesys
    • Prepend: +

Emergency numbers are configured in another tab in 3CX. Please follow our guide here: https://voxtelesys.com/tutorial/3cx-v20-add-911-rule

For adding 988 follow the image to the right.

Image of 988 rule
  • Rule Name: International
  • Calls to numbers starting with prefix: 011
  • Route 0: Voxtelesys
    • Strip Digits: 3
    • Prepend: +
  • Rule Name: Set it to a name of your choice. The rule name is set to "7 digit" in our example you could use the area code for the name too.
  • Calls to numbers with a length of: 7
  • Route 0: Voxtelesys
    • Prepend: Set it to the area code you would like to prepend. The prepend is set to "+1701" in our example.

Verify the outbound rules after creating.

Learning Hub / Tutorials / 3CX / Add Outbound Rules (V20)FAQs