For the Version 20 guide, click here!
Enter your credentials.
Select the "Users" tab.
Click or check the User(s).
For example:
Set one user as a Manager. From the drop-down menu, click on the "Manager" group membership.
Click on "OK" when you are finished.
Set two users as Middles. From the drop-down menu, click on the "Managers" group membership. Uncheck the "Show presence to group members" setting.
Click on "OK" when you are finished.
Set the rest of the users as Peons. From the drop-down menu, click on the Users group membership. Uncheck the "Can see group members" setting.
Click on "OK" when you are finished.
Select the "Groups" button.
Select the "+ Add" button to configure the Group settings.
Configure Group settings:
Select the Extension(s):
Review the Group settings, including the Members you added:
Note: The users’ roles override the group members’ roles.
Click on "OK" to save your new group.
Verify Group Members have been added.