Learning Hub / Tutorials / 3CX / Add Digital ReceptionistFAQs

Tutorials: Add Digital Receptionist

Add Digital Receptionist

For the Version 20 guide, click here!

Enter your credentials.

Select the "Digital Receptionists" tab.

Click on the "+ Add" button to create a Digital Receptionist.

Enter General information:

  • Enter a name: Enter a name of your choice here.
  • Extension: The extension number is filled in by default, but you can change it if you would like.
  • Type: Leave the type on Standard.
  • Prompt: Select a WAV file from the drop-down menu.
  • Digital Receptionist Language: Select a language from the drop-down menu.

Enter Menu Options:

  • Action: You can set it to connect to an extension, a ring group, a queue, to a voicemail, etc.
  • Destination: Set the Destination for your key press.

You can optionally assign a DID number or numbers to receive calls directly to this extension.

Destination for invalid or no DTMF input:

  • If no input within seconds: Set the number of seconds for it to time out and configure the destination if there is no input.
  • If input is invalid then: Configure the destination if input is invalid.

Click on "OK" when you are finished.

Learning Hub / Tutorials / 3CX / Add Digital ReceptionistFAQs