Tutorials: Toll-Free SMS Verification

Enter your credentials in the Voxtelesys Portal.

Navigate to the "Documents" tab, then go to SMS Toll-Free Verification.

Click on the "Add Verification" button.

Type in your Company and Contact Information, then click on the "Next" button.


  • Valid website is required.
  • Recommeneded Complaint Privacy Policy on website for SMS/Texting
  • Opt in language required on website if used to collect mobile numbers

Please be as accurate as possible, if information does not look accurate or correct the submission will be rejected. It is recommended to only submit one Toll-Free phone number.

  • Note: you MUST provide a valid URL showing how your customers are opting into receiving SMS messages from your Toll-Free number.

Once the verification is submitted Voxtelesys will review before passing it onto the Toll-Free Verifier.