Learning Hub / Tutorials / CompletePBX / SIP Trunk SetupFAQs

Tutorials: SIP Trunk Setup

SIP Trunk Setup

Click on "PBX," then click on the "External" tab. From the drop-down menu, click on "Trunks."

Technology section:

  • Technology: SIP
  • Description: Voxtelesys
  • Trunk CID: CNAM in the Name field and Caller ID in the Number field.

Device for Outgoing Calls (Peer) section:

  • Outgoing Username: Your Voxtelesys username
  • Host: Remote server address
  • Port: 5060
  • Remote Username: Authentication username for the remote server. Provided by Voxtelesys.
  • Remote Secret: Authentication password for the remote server. Provided by Voxtelesys.
  • From Domain: Domain provided by Voxtelesys.
  • Insecure: Select "Port, Invite" from the drop-down menu.
  • Allow Inbound Calls: Turn on
  • Qualify: Turn on

Register String section:

  • Use Default: Yes

Click on the "Advanced" tab:

  • Type: Select "Peer"
  • Parameter: sendrpid
  • Value: PAI
  • Enabled: On

Click on the "Save" button.

Then click on the reload icon in the top right corner of the screen.

Learning Hub / Tutorials / CompletePBX / SIP Trunk SetupFAQs