Learning Hub / Tutorials / CompletePBX / Outbound Route SetupFAQs

Tutorials: Outbound Route Setup

Outbound Route Setup

Click on "PBX," then select the "External" tab. Click on "Outbound Routes" from the drop-down menu.

General section:

  • Description: Enter a description of your choice.
  • Trunks: Select the Voxtelesys SIP Trunk.
  • CID: Enter your company's name, if it's not already set in the SIP Trunk configuration.
  • Overwrite CID: Set to "Always" if you would like to use the CID associated with this Outbound Route.

Dial Patterns section:

  • Pattern 1: NXXNXXXXXX
  • Pattern 2: 1NXXNXXXXXX
  • Pattern 3: +1NXXNXXXXXX
  • Pattern 4: 911
  • Pattern 5: 922
  • Pattern 6: 988
  • Pattern 7: 011x.

Click on the "Save" button.

Then click on the reload icon.

Learning Hub / Tutorials / CompletePBX / Outbound Route SetupFAQs