Log in to your 3CX web client.
Navigate to the 3CX Admin Console located in the lower left corner of the web client.
From the Admin section select the "Voice & chat" tab.
Voxtelesys is your 3CX Titanium Partner & Preferred Carrier. We have your back!
Voxtelesys has everything your business needs get your communications up to date! Business phone system, PBX hosting, SIP trunking, SMS messaging, video conferencing and more. Click here to get started.
Inside the Voice & chat section click on your Voxtelesys SIP Trunk or select "Edit Trunk" from the three dot icon.
Inside your Voxtelesys SIP Trunk navigate to the "DID Numbers" tab, to add more numbers/DIDs press the "+ Add" button.
Enter the DID number and click off the number box or select "+ Add" to add another number.
Be sure to "Save" when you are done adding and assigning your new DID numbers!
If you want to verify, order, or port numbers you can do so from the Voxtelesys Portal:
Add Outbound Rules (V20)
PBX and 3CX Phone System Round Up