From the 3CX Management Console select "Inbound Rules" from the 3CX dashboard.
To create a new Inbound rule select the "+ Add DID Rule" button. DID rules are used to control how incoming calls are routed when then reach the PBX from your Voxtelesys SIP trunk.
Configuring your DID rule is straight forward, give the rule a name, select your DID number from the dropdown, and apply your in office and out of office routing options! See the below example:
Name your Rule: Example: Tyler Direct
Select your DID: Example: +1558675309
Select your routing for both during and out of office hours.
If you do not see the DID number you want to configure it may already be setup with an inbound rule or it has not yet been added to your Voxtelesys SIP trunk.
Voxtelesys supports the following formats for National, E164 No Plus, and E164 calling formats for 3CX dialing, these formats can be adjusted in the Portal under your Inbound SIP trunk Settings. Voxtelesys recommends E164 number formatting.
E164 is required for SMS on 3CX
Your PBX has global office hours set for the whole PBX, but you can override those global office hours under the Inbound rule, to do so you can click the "Set up Specific Office Hours for this rule".
CID rules can route specific incoming caller IDs to specific destinations. The examples below will show setting up a specific caller ID to be blocked and the other will show it routed to an extension. Not for these rules to take effect they will be to be ordered above the incoming DID rules. To configure a CID rule select the "+ Add CID Rule" button.
Example shows how to block a caller ID.
Example: Block
Example: *2145551234
End Call
In this example, all calls from +12145555000, 12145555000, or 2145555000 on trunk 10000 Voxtelesys will be blocked.
Example shows how to force all calls from 2145555000 to route to extension 3006.
Example: Route to Tyler
Example: *2145555000
Extension 3006
In this example, all calls from +12145555000, 12145555000, or 2145555000 on trunk 10000 Voxtelesys will override any inbound rule and route to extension 3006.